Main Entry:
- fact
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈfakt\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
- Date:
- 15th century
1: a thing done: as aobsolete : feat b: crime
A wise man once told me that all lies start in truth. I once thought he was just measuring how to get out of his own figure eight of useless knowledge as he rambled. Today, I see that this is indeed true. All trues comes from fact, but all fact lies somewhere in fiction.
Endometriosis, is a fact of my life. It is something that I can not run from. Something I can not find a cure for, and something that few doctors understand. I was first diagnosed when I was only 15 years of age. I had severe pains when an ultrasound showed the existence of cell tissue in my abdomen. At the time, I was told it was not endometriosis, but low and behold a biopsy of said tissue proved otherwise. It was not the tissue which was in question, but the existence of endometrial tissue in places unforeseen that was of controversy. I have since had said tissue grow in various places of my body.
Have you ever tried explaining to a podiatrist why you have the lining of your uterus gowning on your ankle? With so little known about the disease which has caused me pain for almost 15 years now, I find comfort in facts. I find inspiration in knowing that the truth is out there. I find hope in the acknowledgment of new treatments and even education for the disease.
In fact, (all punns intended) I find inspiration in what we know, because only in what we know can we learn. Every challenge, every obstacle, every test presented to us, is somewhere hidden in fact. The facts shall be a foundation for the further development of medicine, awareness, and triumph. In truth, we find ourselves. In truth we find what we long to be. In truth we find what inspires us. In truth we find our foundation. In truth, we can have anything we put our minds too.
So I am inspired to lay a new foundation for life in fact. I lie such a foundation as a way to set an example for others, encourage the world around me, and reach out to a society of women faced with a disease they have no control over. With so many variable practices, open ended questions, and fears buried in a mountain of concern of losing ones self to such ailments, I find hope in the truth and pray that it shall lead us to the answers for which we seek.
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