Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Main Entry:
1salt Listen to the pronunciation of 1salt
Middle English, from Old English sealt; akin to Old High German salz salt, Lithuanian saldus sweet, Latin sal salt, Greek hals salt, sea
before 12th century

I was driving down Pacific Coast Highway, aka PCH to the locals in the area, with my father the other day when I looked out at the wide waves of the ocean. My father, an ex-marine who fought in Vietnam, is one of the strongest men I know. I looked over at him and asked him what he thought about the ocean. He immediately replied, “it smells like salt.”

Salt. Such a simple yet complex element of our society and yet one, I am starting to think that is all to often taken for granted. As we drove down the highway, I proceeded to tell him that I want to be that salt. I would love to be that particle of matter which can change and transform myself into my surroundings. I envy the way the salt of the ocean lingers in the air; reminding those who stroll the boardwalk that it is a beautiful and vibrant day. I envy the way the salt floats atop the waves, only to be carried in and out of the shore line reflecting the rays of the sun. I envy the way salt can blend into the water, change the taste of our foods, and most importantly float freely in the air we breathe.

This weeks Inspiring Word is SALT. For its principles, its properties and most important it's lessons. May it stand as a content reminder that we too can be more then what meets the eye. We too can be free to ride the journey of life where it takes us; comforted in the knowledge that there is still someone and/or something for us to touch. With all the illness that has surrounded us in the recent months one may think that the sheer site of table salt may make me nauseous. So I challenge it!

Tonight I filled a new salt shaker and placed it on the counter vowing to appreciate it's complex taste and savor all that salt has to offer. Pass the salt?

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