Wednesday, July 30, 2008



Main Entry:
hin·drance Listen to the pronunciation of hindrance
1 : the state of being hindered

One may think that hindrance is a contradiction in terms to the meaning of the encouraging words blog, but today I am going to ask you to bare with me as we explore just how encouraging hindrance can be in our lives.

Yes, that is right, I said it, hindrance is encouraging. hindrance if nothing else, is the presence of an object or obstacle. The laws are a hindrance to medical scientists who are restricted from being able to use all necessarily means to cure me of this ailment. The alignment on my car was a hindrance to my wheels, and my wheels and tires were a hindrance to me when they blew out going 70 miles an hour down the freeway. So why would I possibly come to you and say that such a word is in inspiration?

It is simple. There are things in this world we can control and there are things in this world that have control of us. Therefor, I choose to control those that hinder me, and work around those which I can not control.

The basic laws of physics state that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yet, no one ever stated how our reaction can all to often lead to another action and possibly even another hindrance.

Lets apply this theory to the car malfunction. If the alignment had not been off on the car to begin with then the tires would not have blown out. Therefore my hindrance was not the tires, which I spent my choice moments with kicking and screaming in frustration, but instead my reaction to the tire. Had I not gotten so angry at said tire, I may have been a little calmer and more adapt to analyze the situation. At the moment of my kicking and screaming my mind was wrapped around the idea that I was not going to make my appointment, Alex was going to lose a day of work, My car was not drivable on a blown tire and a donut, and I was still on the side of the freeway in the blistering heat. Sure all of these things add up to a great hindrance, but at the end of the day, that hindrance was only compounded by my inability to assess what the day could have been.

For example, my tires are less then a year old, my car warranty is still valid, I had someone with me who could help with the tire, I found a place that had one in stock to fix the tire, I was able to jump on the computer and put together a budget for paying for the repair, (very hard to do on disability, the government does not pay well!)

All my temper tantrum did was prevent the inevitable, I needed a plan, I had to measure the consequences, and most importantly I had to get this done soon. Sure I was sitting on the side of the freeway, but so was the wonderful blond I met in the van sitting behind me. Blessing 1) I met a new friend. Sure it was hot, but in some parts of the country they are suffering from rain storms as we quickly go into August. This is California, if I had to be stranded outside, there really is not a more perfect place to find a perfect day. Blessing 2) The sun helped me gain a little color and made me actually feel better about my skin. Finally, I could have been mad about the cost of the repairs, but instead I should be grateful that we were blessed with enough budgeting to cover what was needed.

A hindrance stands solid before you until you acknowledge that it is planted there. So here are your options, and they are pretty great if you ask me.

Option A. - You can remove the hindrance. Whether by force or by strategic alliances you can move the things that stand in your way. By acknowledging the hindrance itself, you have the ability to see it for what it truly is. Deal with it and even move past it.

Option B – You can go around it. Maybe the fight is not worth the reward. That is ok. Just go around it. Look into yourself, acknowledge what is blocking you and know that there is always another way.

Option C – My Favorite! Destroy it! Yes, I admit it, I am a type A personality all they way. I like the idea that once I have identified what is holding me back, I can then put together a plan of action which not only gets the hindrance out of my way but also keeps it from coming back.

When dealing with disease, we can not always cure what ails us. However, today I find hope in the things that hinder us. I look into the obstacles that can be controlled, limited, or even destroyed and I find strength. I find understanding. Like looking the opponent in the eye, I look hindrance in the eye knowing that I will be stronger, better, and faster one day to do all of the things I long for, but until then may each hindrance be nothing more then a bump in the road that teaches me a mountain of lessons.

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