Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Main Entry:
in·tox·i·ca·tion Listen to the pronunciation of intoxication
15th century
1: an abnormal state that is essentially a poisoning intoxication>2 a: the condition of being drunk : inebriation b: a strong excitement or elation

As I sit here typing, I have a handful of pills on the chair beside me. Write a sentence, take a pill. Wait. Does it stay down? Yes? Great! Write a sentence. Take a pill. Wait....

I sit here looking at this collapsed stack of color coded pills, only to realize that I have to repeat these steps again in a few hours. I am intoxicated. I can feel the pills start to break down in my esophagus from the heat of my body. I take a orange pill to help me digest food, I take a pink pill to help keep the orange pill down and help with the vomiting, I take a white pill to replenish all the nutrients I am regurgitating with my meals, and a blue pill to help me sleep. I take them one by one, popping each into the back of my mouth; hoping to swallow before my gag reflex takes over.

Nothing works. I sit her queasy and frustrated. I shiver at the thought the the best modern medicine has to offer me is an array of nicely colored chemicals and poisons as a method for healing. I think about the meaning of intoxication.

In college intoxication was what having too much to drink, or partying a little too hard when I should have been studying. Nowadays, intoxication is a way of life. It is the way a pill can turn a migraine into a hot air balloon floating in the clouds. It is the way the cocktail helps chemo patients regain their hair. It is the way that healthy well off pharmaceutical companies get rich off those who need the intoxications, while the poor and middle class become impoverished while needing them.

Without all the pills, I am a strong, independent, straightforward person. Yet by them, I am held captive defined by poison, identification numbers, and an incurable disease. Therefor, I choose to redefine intoxication.

I choose rather than to be intoxicated to be intoxicating. I choose rather then to poison others, to encourage their inner beauty. The euphoric feeling of intoxication; the light headed, calm, open minded, willing to consider the possibilities attitude is not from the chemicals which are pumped inside of us, but reside in all of us each day. Therefor, I choose to free these inherent abilities and become intoxicated with all that life has to offer, knowing that I may not be able to cure this disease with my mind, but there is no cure through chemicals either.

I choose to be intoxicated and to intoxicate those around me when and where possible in an effort to free these emotions and overcome all that stands before us.


Main Entry:
1salt Listen to the pronunciation of 1salt
Middle English, from Old English sealt; akin to Old High German salz salt, Lithuanian saldus sweet, Latin sal salt, Greek hals salt, sea
before 12th century

I was driving down Pacific Coast Highway, aka PCH to the locals in the area, with my father the other day when I looked out at the wide waves of the ocean. My father, an ex-marine who fought in Vietnam, is one of the strongest men I know. I looked over at him and asked him what he thought about the ocean. He immediately replied, “it smells like salt.”

Salt. Such a simple yet complex element of our society and yet one, I am starting to think that is all to often taken for granted. As we drove down the highway, I proceeded to tell him that I want to be that salt. I would love to be that particle of matter which can change and transform myself into my surroundings. I envy the way the salt of the ocean lingers in the air; reminding those who stroll the boardwalk that it is a beautiful and vibrant day. I envy the way the salt floats atop the waves, only to be carried in and out of the shore line reflecting the rays of the sun. I envy the way salt can blend into the water, change the taste of our foods, and most importantly float freely in the air we breathe.

This weeks Inspiring Word is SALT. For its principles, its properties and most important it's lessons. May it stand as a content reminder that we too can be more then what meets the eye. We too can be free to ride the journey of life where it takes us; comforted in the knowledge that there is still someone and/or something for us to touch. With all the illness that has surrounded us in the recent months one may think that the sheer site of table salt may make me nauseous. So I challenge it!

Tonight I filled a new salt shaker and placed it on the counter vowing to appreciate it's complex taste and savor all that salt has to offer. Pass the salt?


Main Entry:
1sun·shine Listen to the pronunciation of 1sunshine
13th century
1 a: the sun's light or direct rays b: the warmth and light given by the sun's rays c: a spot or surface on which the sun's light shines2: something (as a person, condition, or influence) that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness

Sometimes it is easier to focus on all the dark things in our lives and forget about the beauty and vibrancy of the world around us in the rays of the sun's light. So today, I choose sunlight as a word of inspiration.

Living in Southern California, you would think that sunlight would have been on the top of the list for my encouraging words blogspot. After all it is sunny California, right? However, like most local residence I have taken this simple blessing for granted.

Sure, I love the way the sun feels beating down on my skin as I walk along the shore. Yes, I love the warmth of the sun's rays as they caress our quiet community springing new life and vegetation to the recently burned mountains behind out house. But until recently, I never had a true appreciation for sunlight.

I love the way it caresses the face of my love as we walk in the park. I love the way it warms me when I am shivering cold. I love the way the sun can reflect upon a particle of glass and display rainbows across the sky.

I want to be light the sun. I want to bring warmth to those around me. I wish to be the light which guides others to believing that today is a good day, a blessed day, and most importantly a new day. From here on we can choose to be cold like the dark clouds which drift over sky blocking the suns rays, or we can chose to be strong, comforting, and inspiring to others. I choose to be like the sun. I choose to spend each day celebrating what has been brought before me. I choose to shine through the clouds believing in the light that shines down from above. Today I choose to be invincible.

Just as the sun can shine down on us, so too can we shine our lights and gifts on others. Just as the sign can stand high in the sky, despite all the storms that past, so too can we. In the light of all that we have been blessed with, we can shine a warmth of hope and inspiration on others; wrapping out warmth around those in our path and shining a new light on those in the distance.

Tomorrow, come rain or shine the sun will come out to light a new day. May it also inspire each of us with it beauty, elegance and grace. I think I will open the blinds early in the morning and let the sun shine in. What about you?



Main Entry:
hin·drance Listen to the pronunciation of hindrance
1 : the state of being hindered

One may think that hindrance is a contradiction in terms to the meaning of the encouraging words blog, but today I am going to ask you to bare with me as we explore just how encouraging hindrance can be in our lives.

Yes, that is right, I said it, hindrance is encouraging. hindrance if nothing else, is the presence of an object or obstacle. The laws are a hindrance to medical scientists who are restricted from being able to use all necessarily means to cure me of this ailment. The alignment on my car was a hindrance to my wheels, and my wheels and tires were a hindrance to me when they blew out going 70 miles an hour down the freeway. So why would I possibly come to you and say that such a word is in inspiration?

It is simple. There are things in this world we can control and there are things in this world that have control of us. Therefor, I choose to control those that hinder me, and work around those which I can not control.

The basic laws of physics state that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yet, no one ever stated how our reaction can all to often lead to another action and possibly even another hindrance.

Lets apply this theory to the car malfunction. If the alignment had not been off on the car to begin with then the tires would not have blown out. Therefore my hindrance was not the tires, which I spent my choice moments with kicking and screaming in frustration, but instead my reaction to the tire. Had I not gotten so angry at said tire, I may have been a little calmer and more adapt to analyze the situation. At the moment of my kicking and screaming my mind was wrapped around the idea that I was not going to make my appointment, Alex was going to lose a day of work, My car was not drivable on a blown tire and a donut, and I was still on the side of the freeway in the blistering heat. Sure all of these things add up to a great hindrance, but at the end of the day, that hindrance was only compounded by my inability to assess what the day could have been.

For example, my tires are less then a year old, my car warranty is still valid, I had someone with me who could help with the tire, I found a place that had one in stock to fix the tire, I was able to jump on the computer and put together a budget for paying for the repair, (very hard to do on disability, the government does not pay well!)

All my temper tantrum did was prevent the inevitable, I needed a plan, I had to measure the consequences, and most importantly I had to get this done soon. Sure I was sitting on the side of the freeway, but so was the wonderful blond I met in the van sitting behind me. Blessing 1) I met a new friend. Sure it was hot, but in some parts of the country they are suffering from rain storms as we quickly go into August. This is California, if I had to be stranded outside, there really is not a more perfect place to find a perfect day. Blessing 2) The sun helped me gain a little color and made me actually feel better about my skin. Finally, I could have been mad about the cost of the repairs, but instead I should be grateful that we were blessed with enough budgeting to cover what was needed.

A hindrance stands solid before you until you acknowledge that it is planted there. So here are your options, and they are pretty great if you ask me.

Option A. - You can remove the hindrance. Whether by force or by strategic alliances you can move the things that stand in your way. By acknowledging the hindrance itself, you have the ability to see it for what it truly is. Deal with it and even move past it.

Option B – You can go around it. Maybe the fight is not worth the reward. That is ok. Just go around it. Look into yourself, acknowledge what is blocking you and know that there is always another way.

Option C – My Favorite! Destroy it! Yes, I admit it, I am a type A personality all they way. I like the idea that once I have identified what is holding me back, I can then put together a plan of action which not only gets the hindrance out of my way but also keeps it from coming back.

When dealing with disease, we can not always cure what ails us. However, today I find hope in the things that hinder us. I look into the obstacles that can be controlled, limited, or even destroyed and I find strength. I find understanding. Like looking the opponent in the eye, I look hindrance in the eye knowing that I will be stronger, better, and faster one day to do all of the things I long for, but until then may each hindrance be nothing more then a bump in the road that teaches me a mountain of lessons.


Main Entry:
earth·quake Listen to the pronunciation of earthquake
14th century
1 : a shaking or trembling of the earth that is volcanic or tectonic in origin

Today seamed to be the best day for a word that has been on the tips of my typing fingers for some time. Today I declare Earthquake an encouraging word.

Before you go back to the other Allana Leigh blogs and say, but wait doesn't she live in Southern California? Doesn't she know that they just had a pretty hefty earthquake this morning? Yes, I live in Southern California. And yes, I felt all 45 seconds of the earth moving underneath me. No I did not duck and cover, (laptops kinda took out the desks in our house!) I did not run, or scream, or even panic. I looked down, I looked at the man I love, I ran to the arch of our hallway, and I put my hands out to each column and gave into the rolling of the apartment.

After the rolling stopped, I checked with Alex and the pets to make sure they were all OK. I checked grandma's china to find out if I was going to have to call my mother sobbing, and then I looked around. All was clear. Everything except the tub was fine. I exhaled. “Thank you!”

Sometimes it takes something bigger then us to remind us that we are so small in this universe. Sometimes it takes something as ground shattering as an earthquake to teach us what it means to be grateful for what you can not control. I called my mother, my sister, and my father but cell service was slim to none. I realized in that moment, that there was nothing I could do about what had or might have happened.

I will not go as far as to say that an earthquake is in any means relaxing, but the realization that you are not alone in this world but rather only one element of something much larger is reassuring to say the least. Once I heard from all local members of the family and confirmed that everything was in order, I sat back and I thought about the last time we all called each other on the same day just to check in. It has been to long for that. It has been too long since the last time, I spent a relaxing morning drinking a cup of coffee and just chatted with the girls. Today, it was not a matter of time or money, but an earthquake that sat me on the brown chair in the center of our living room to make such calls, and I was thankful.

The news coverage of the earthquake has changed its focus. Now they are talking about the need to predict these types of scismic events. However, as they try to predict the future, I sit here at my computer trying to drown out the noise. I don't want to know. Even if I could predict when and where an earthquake was going to happen, I am not sure that I would want to know about it. Telling me that the big one is going to hit within 7 years, only causes me to worry about things that once again, I can not control. If you told me last night that an earthquake was going to hit this morning, I would not want to hear it. There is nothing I can do to stop it. The earth is going to move with or without my consent. It is going to do as it pleases.

I believe we can do things to stop global warming. I believe in using less natural recourses and savoring what our planet has so graciously given us, but I also believe that unless we can control it, worrying about it, is only going to make each of us worse. Stress is not healthy, anger is not healthy, rambling crowds of people pushing to get in and out of cities is not healthy.

But earthquakes might be healthy. I am encouraged by this mornings earthquake in the simple way it reminds me to let go of those things for which I have no control. I am happy for this mornings earthquake for the reminder that we are not the only thing in existence on this planet. I am encouraged by the way an earthquake can remind us to tell those we love that we do infact love them. Maybe an Earthquake every couple of years is exactly the reminder we need that there are so many mysteries of this universe beyond what we can comprehend, and that is ok.

So today, Shake, Rattle, and Roll!