Monday, June 23, 2008


Breathe: According to the Websters Dictionary, to breathe is to to draw air into and expel it from the lungs. The definition above makes breathing an act of necessity, and believe me it is. So if you are sitting there holding your breath, exhale already!

With all joking aside, breathing is an important function for our survival. It is instinctive. We do it without thinking. We do when we are born and until the day we die. Clinically speaking, the act of breathing is purely a mechanism for making our bodies function.

Therefor, I prefer to read from the Merriam-Webster online which gives extended definitions of the word, including...

2: live

Ok, this is still putting it in the neccessity category, but I really think there is more to living then to breathe, have a heart beat, and have the ability to use your body or mind. Living is loving, growing, learning and helping others. It is not a selfish act, it is a generous one, because only in looking past ourselves, can we truly start to see who we really are.

3 aobsolete : to emit a fragrance or aura b: to become perceptible : be expressed breathes and that distinguishes his work — Bennett Schiff>

I am particularly taken in by the latter definition. Be Expressed! Our personalities will radiate through us. How we act, how we treat others, even how we do business is reflected through each and every particle of us as we go about our day. In many ways, out personalities breathe with ever bit of air that is extinguished from us.

4: to pause and rest before continuing

I love the idea that a short relaxation, can be as simple as taking a moment out to breathe. I love the idea that we can feel renewed by a simple breath.

5: to blow softly
6: to feel free of restraint breathe>

My favorite definition of the word breathe is to feel free of restraint. To let go of all disease, anger, pain, and denial and just except that in this moment we are who we are. We can do anything we put our mind to. We can be free of anything which restrains us and sour above the clouds.

So today, I encourage you to get inspired by the action of breathing. I ask that you take a moment to do just that. Put on some soothing music. Take a warm towel, place it over your face. Now, close your eyes, relax, and breathe. Breathe in knowing you are taking in all the amazing people around you that fill your live with love and laughter. Breathe out, knowing that you are relaxing your body and freeing yourself of anything that that restrains you. Breathe in and out savoring every moment.

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