Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today's Word: Floral

Floral: six letters that can spark an array of emotions, scents, or visions. For some the word floral, reminds them of a flower, or better yet a bouquet of flowers. For some it is a word that reminds them of the roses they carried down the aisle at their wedding. For others, he words may spark reminiscence of a smell of a fresh spring day.

What does the word floral bring to your senses?

As I close my eyes, the room starts to transform. The couch which lines the living room wall, has been replaced by a fresh spring batch of wild grass. I breathe in to smell the fields around me. The floral appeal of the meadow has sparked a rejuvenation of my spirit. It is free; floating across the air on the clouds while draping the children below with its fresh scent. Take me away, like the kite to the sky, I pray that I will be lifted to a place of floral delight blossoming in the airs above the city and land gently back in the field of wild grass I call my couch.

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